Focus Timer 1.4

  1. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content.
  2. This 24-70 mm f/1.4 lens is designed for use with the Brinno TLC200 PRO HDR Time Lapse Video Camera. Focal length: 24-70 mm. Aperture: f/1.4-2.4. Diagonal angle of view: 94-38 degrees. Focus adjustment: manual, various-focal. Closest focusing distance: 1 cm. Dimensions: 32 x 40 mm.
  3. Mar 20, 2019  3. Be honest about the conditions you ran in, meaning temperatures. Winter time vs summer time. Dragy should be used more as a performance reference, rather than the ultimate 1/4 results. List all of your performance mods. Here are the top times as of March 19th, 2019. 1/4 mile time, speed, 1/8 mile time, speed, 60.
  1. Focus Timer 1.4 0
  2. Pomodoro Timer
  3. Focus Timer 1.4 1

Changes in version 1.4.4. Released on May 31, 2013; FIXED: Crashed when opening font dropdown in theme dialog; FIXED: Did not always ignore changes made by program; FIXED: Smart quotes were incorrect after opening punctuation; Translation updates: German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Russian, Turkish; Changes in version 1.4.3. Released on April 6, 2013.

Release Notes

  • Changes in version 1.7.5
    • Released on February 24, 2020
    • Updated Windows dictionaries
    • Updated Windows deployment
    • Translation updates: Ukrainian
  • Changes in version 1.7.4
    • Released on January 16, 2020
    • FIXED: Broken emergency cache in Windows
    • FIXED: Daily progress did not show star background with some themes
    • Replaced deprecated code
    • Translation updates: Catalan, Swedish
  • Changes in version 1.7.3
    • Released on August 7, 2019
    • FIXED: Was not loading KDE icon theme
    • FIXED: Headings menu was incorrectly shown in German
    • Replaced deprecated code
    • Translation updates: Friulian, German, Korean
  • Changes in version 1.7.2
    • Released on March 7, 2019
    • FIXED: Minimum sizes for page counts were too high
    • FIXED: Window icon didn't work in Wayland
    • Require Qt 5.9
    • Improved loading locales
    • Translation updates: Friulian, Korean
  • Changes in version 1.7.1
    • Released on December 17, 2018
    • FIXED: Did not launch when incorrect lock file was found
  • Changes in version 1.7.0
    • Released on December 11, 2018
    • FIXED: Daily progress percentages were not locale aware
    • FIXED: Scene list text was incorrect with Qt 5.12
    • Show current streak for previous day
    • Improved detection of running instance
    • Updated included hunspell
    • Updated dictionaries
    • Translation updates: Czech, Dutch, Hungarian
  • Changes in version 1.6.16
    • Released on September 3, 2018
    • FIXED: Could not always save to remote drives
    • FIXED: Could not browse shortcuts in Windows file dialogs
  • Changes in version 1.6.15
    • Released on July 20, 2018
    • FIXED: Automatic high DPI support
    • Translation updates: Galician, Spanish
  • Changes in version 1.6.14
    • Released on July 6, 2018
    • FIXED: Regression where emergency cache didn't run
    • Renamed NEWS to ChangeLog
    • Translation updates: Bosnian
  • Changes in version 1.6.13
    • Released on May 29, 2018
    • Updated dictionaries
    • Updated Unicode symbols database
    • Replaced deprecated code
    • Extra warnings only shown in debug build
    • Improved Linux deployment
    • Improved macOS deployment
    • Improved Windows deployment
    • Translation updates: Dutch, French, Portuguese
  • Changes in version 1.6.12
    • Released on April 12, 2018
    • Ignore empty cache files
    • Remove auto save
    • Translation updates: Slovenian
  • Changes in version 1.6.11
    • Released on March 30, 2018
    • FIXED: File monitoring prevented saving in Windows
    • Translation updates: Danish, Slovenian
  • Changes in version 1.6.10
    • Released on February 21, 2018
    • Default to Flat ODT for cache files
    • Reduce time between cache writes to 5 minutes
    • FIXED: Fade effect broke alerts
    • FIXED: Fade effect hid text on load screen
    • Translation updates: Greek
  • Changes in version 1.6.9
    • Released on February 7, 2018
    • Updated dictionaries
    • FIXED: Could not save to network devices
    • Translation updates: Igbo, Slovenian
  • Changes in version 1.6.8
    • Released on December 26, 2017
    • FIXED: Could not compile with Qt 5.10
    • FIXED: Did not handle ODT line position with two values
    • Translation updates: German, Indonesian
  • Changes in version 1.6.7
    • Released on August 25, 2017
    • Updated dictionaries
    • FIXED: HiDPI blurred text backgrounds were scaled
    • FIXED: Window margin was always the size of the scrollbar
    • FIXED: Always indented first line when printing
  • Changes in version 1.6.6
    • Released on July 30, 2017
    • FIXED: Did not always install translations in Linux
    • FIXED: Unneccessary compiler warning about switch fallthrough
    • FIXED: Did not show headings when automatic spellchecking was disabled
    • FIXED: Foreground incorrectly placed when load stretched themes
    • Translation updates: Czech, Armenian
  • Changes in version 1.6.5
    • Released on May 30, 2017
    • Updated included hunspell
    • Updated dictionaries
    • FIXED: Data loss when program crashed
    • Translation updates: Greek, Swedish
  • Changes in version 1.6.4
    • Released on March 9, 2017
    • Updated AppData installation directory
    • FIXED: HiDPI blurred text backgrounds were offset and scaled
    • FIXED: HiDPI backgrounds were not centered properly
    • FIXED: HiDPI centered backgrounds were also scaled
    • Translation updates: Chinese (Taiwan), Finnish, German, Indonesian
  • Changes in version 1.6.3
    • Released on December 11, 2016
    • Updated included hunspell
    • FIXED: Line spacing was ignored when pasting in new documents
    • FIXED: Pasting text always made document rich text
    • FIXED: Possible delay on start when creating non-native printer
    • Translation updates: Chinese (China), Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
  • Changes in version 1.6.2
    • Released on October 13, 2016
    • Generate binary translations at build time
    • FIXED: Focused text did not handle first-line indent
    • FIXED: Was not properly loading Qt translations
    • Translation updates: Armenian, Dutch, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Swedish, Ukrainian
  • Changes in version 1.6.1
    • Released on September 19, 2016
    • FIXED: Incorrectly handled non-heading text in OOXML
    • FIXED: Misspelled words did not follow heading style
    • FIXED: Did not always close OOXML paragraph properties correctly
    • FIXED: Did not correctly store RTL in OOXML
    • FIXED: Reported conflicts for empty shortcuts
    • FIXED: Switched to incorrect tab to show conflicting shortcuts
    • Translation updates: German, Romanian
  • Changes in version 1.6.0
    • Released on August 27, 2016
    • Added always showing interface
    • Added headings
    • Added new default themes
    • Added removing user-installed dictionaries
    • Added shortcut for typographical apostrophe
    • Added support for ODT Flat XML files
    • Added support for high DPI displays
    • Switched to QSoundEffect
    • Updated dictionaries
    • FIXED: Daily progress did not reset when run longer than a day
    • FIXED: Printer margins were too big
    • FIXED: Was replacing session files with command-line files
    • FIXED: Did not add new default symbol shortcuts
    • Translation updates: Arabic, Armenian, Catalan, Chinese (China), Dutch, English (United Kingdom), French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), Turkish, Vietnamese
  • Changes in version 1.5.7
    • Released on July 16, 2016
    • Switched to cross-compiled builds for Windows
    • FIXED: Did not play sounds for key presses with Alt modifier
    • FIXED: Could not change shortcut to disable focused text
  • Changes in version 1.5.6
    • Released on June 22, 2016
    • Updated included hunspell
    • FIXED: Did not remember some default formats
    • FIXED: Replace all did not update spellchecking
    • FIXED: Themes still did not always forget changes
    • Translation updates: Afrikaans (South Africa), Danish, Esperanto, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Spanish
  • Changes in version 1.5.5
    • Released on September 4, 2015
    • Added support for pasting RTF in Windows
    • Switched back to dynamic builds for Windows
    • Updated dictionaries
    • FIXED: Themes did not always forget changes
    • FIXED: Treated every paragraph as a scene when divider is empty
    • FIXED: Switched tabs during autosave
    • FIXED: Allowed pasting and saving invalid null character
    • Translation updates: Catalan, Esperanto, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Changes in version 1.5.4
    • Released on June 13, 2015
    • Relax version check of ZIP to handle broken ZIP files
    • Remove deprecated code for unsupported Mac OS X versions
    • Switch to static builds for Windows
    • FIXED: Broken shortcut for disabling focused text in Windows
    • FIXED: Word count did not handle dashes correctly
    • FIXED: Did not use correct line endings in Windows
    • FIXED: Incorrectly sized icon for daily progress
    • FIXED: Crash when importing themes
    • Translation updates: Esperanto, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian
  • Changes in version 1.5.3
    • Released on August 17, 2014
    • FIXED: Find did not take smart quotes into account
    • FIXED: Style hierarchy was not always loaded in ODT
    • FIXED: Ignored text sections in ODT files
    • FIXED: Was not reading styles for OOXML files
    • Translation updates: Hebrew, Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish
  • Changes in version 1.5.2
    • Released on July 20, 2014
    • FIXED: Regression with RtfWriter encoding characters in Windows
    • FIXED: Windows installer did not install shortcut for all users
    • FIXED: Finnish spellchecking did not work in Windows
    • FIXED: Incorrect handling of mimetypes in copy-paste
    • FIXED: Keywords in .desktop file should be separated by semicolons
    • Translation updates: French, Hebrew, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Changes in version 1.5.1
    • Released on June 24, 2014
    • Added keywords to .desktop file
    • FIXED: Spelling underline was broken
    • FIXED: Incorrect MIME type for Office Open XML
    • FIXED: Incorrect version number string
    • FIXED: Compile issues with Qt 4.6
    • FIXED: Regression with sound effects on Windows
    • FIXED: Regression with default cursor width on Windows
    • FIXED: Regression where menubar was not shown in Ubuntu
    • Translation updates: Spanish (Mexico), Korean, Swedish
  • Changes in version 1.5.0
    • Released on June 17, 2014
    • Added daily progress dialog
    • Added default themes
    • Added blurring behind text area
    • Added drop shadow behind text area
    • Added duplicating themes
    • Added keyboard shortcuts to move between paragraphs
    • Added option to disable byte order mark
    • Added basic support for Office Open XML files
    • Added Windows installer
    • Include dictionaries on Windows
    • Improved theme dialog
    • Improved background color when loading theme
    • Stopped clearing document cache across runs
    • Synchronized location for open and save dialogs
    • Switched to hunspell
    • Switched to QtZip
    • Refactored daily progress
    • Refactored document cache
    • Refactored spell checking code
    • Translation updates: Armenian, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Finnish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Serbian, Turkish, Chinese (China)
  • Changes in version 1.4.6
    • Released on April 10, 2014
    • FIXED: Smart quotes did not work in Windows
    • FIXED: Formatting was lost when saving pasted text in new document
    • FIXED: Could not change built-in Qt textedit shortcuts
    • FIXED: Session names did not trim whitespace
    • FIXED: Theme names did not trim whitespace
    • FIXED: Did not respect default cursor width
    • FIXED: Session names could not contain periods
    • FIXED: Theme names could not contain periods
    • FIXED: Long session names made session menu unworkable
    • Translation updates: Armenian, Hebrew
  • Changes in version 1.4.5
    • Released on March 25, 2014
    • FIXED: Infinite loop during replace all with regular expressions
    • FIXED: Regular expression replaces did not ignore whole words option
    • FIXED: Interpreted images in RTF files as text
    • FIXED: Context menu key did not show spelling menu
    • FIXED: Could delete all themes
    • FIXED: Did not recreate default theme until program restart
    • FIXED: Created a new tab for corrupted documents
    • FIXED: Reloading a modified file did not reduce daily goal progress
    • FIXED: Unable to overwrite current document
    • FIXED: Discarding a modified file did not reduce daily goal progress
    • FIXED: Locale dialog always prompted users of System Language to restart
    • FIXED: Symbols dialog had help titlebar icon
    • FIXED: Second instance would not open relative paths
    • FIXED: Closing last empty document increased untitled count
    • FIXED: Regular expression searches did not ignore whole words option
    • FIXED: Paragraphs not always focused properly when merged
    • FIXED: Selected session was incorrect when switching sessions was canceled
    • FIXED: Could open unsupported multimedia files
    • FIXED: Hyphenated lines were not focused properly
    • Translation updates: Arabic, Chinese (China), Czech, English (United Kingdom), Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Korean, Indonesian, Serbian, Vietnamese
  • Changes in version 1.4.4
    • Released on May 31, 2013
    • FIXED: Crashed when opening font dropdown in theme dialog
    • FIXED: Did not always ignore changes made by program
    • FIXED: Smart quotes were incorrect after opening punctuation
    • Translation updates: German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Russian, Turkish
  • Changes in version 1.4.3
    • Released on April 6, 2013
    • FIXED: Unsaved new files were not restored from cache
  • Changes in version 1.4.2
    • Released on March 27, 2013
    • Added support for Qt 5
    • FIXED: Did not play key press sound for non-Latin languages
    • FIXED: Crash when ignoring words in spelling dialog
    • FIXED: Could not end italics before smart quote
    • Translation updates: Catalan, Hebrew, Italian, Turkish
  • Changes in version 1.4.1
    • Released on November 28, 2012
    • FIXED: High CPU use in Ubuntu 10.04
    • FIXED: Crashed when typing circumflex with focused text
    • FIXED: Showing scene list moved cursor to start of document
    • FIXED: Played sounds constantly in Ubuntu 10.04
    • FIXED: Could drag scenes in Read-Only files
    • FIXED: Could insert symbols in Read-Only files
    • FIXED: Could paste unformatted in Read-Only files
    • FIXED: Could check spelling of Read-Only files
    • FIXED: Cleared keyboard shortcuts not saved
    • FIXED: Cannot add new keyboard shortcuts with the Shift key
    • Translation updates: Chinese (China), Czech, Greek, Hebrew, Romanian, Swedish, Spanish
  • Changes in version 1.4.0
    • Released on September 22, 2012
    • Added scene list sidebar
    • Added focusing text
    • Added line spacing in themes
    • Added symbols dialog
    • Added monitoring files for changes
    • Added editable keyboard shorcuts
    • Allow changing formats in save dialogs
    • Switched to enchant for spell checking
    • Check spelling in background
    • Removed included dictionaries
    • FIXED: Could not save to WebDAV
    • FIXED: Insert key did not switch to overwrite mode
    • FIXED: Hiding toolbar did not shrink header
    • FIXED: Regression - SDL_mixer was not loaded in Debian
    • FIXED: Could save over files open on other tabs
    • FIXED: Switching themes still wasn't properly focusing text
    • FIXED: Theme previews did not scale tiled or centered images
    • FIXED: Warned user twice about every malformed file
    • FIXED: Could not interact with dialogs during load
    • FIXED: Did not check spelling of pasted paragraphs
    • FIXED: Regression - Windows did not load SDL
    • FIXED: Regression - fallback icons were not used
    • FIXED: File rename did not change formats
    • FIXED: Default shortcuts conflicted on the Mac
    • FIXED: Restoring from cache treated all files as plain text
    • FIXED: Filenames were incorrect after undo and redo
    • FIXED: Formatting of first paragraph was lost on reload
    • FIXED: Switching themes wasn't properly focusing text
    • FIXED: Text brought onto current line was not focused
    • FIXED: Replace all could not be reverted with a single undo
    • Translation updates: Chinese (China), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), Swedish, Ukrainian
  • Changes in version 1.3.6
    • Released on June 12, 2012
    • FIXED: Saved cache files more frequently than necessary
    • FIXED: Displayed paths did not use native separators
    • FIXED: Crashed when loading empty RTF files
    • FIXED: Emergency cache files could have broken names
    • FIXED: Was not loading data from emergency cache files
    • FIXED: Emergency cache was not working for rich text
    • FIXED: Data was not always written to disk
    • FIXED: Was adding spaces before pasted rich text
    • FIXED: Inserting text resets alignment
    • Translation updates: Danish, Spanish
  • Changes in version
    • Released on January 16, 2012
    • FIXED: Did not handle loading menu icons correctly
    • Translation updates: Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Spanish
  • Changes in version
    • Released on December 4, 2011
    • Added scalable icon
    • FIXED: Did not correctly handle multi-byte characters in RTF
    • FIXED: Interface was incorrectly hidden while fullscreen
    • Translation updates: Dutch, German
  • Changes in version 1.3.5
    • Released on November 9, 2011
    • Compress exported themes
    • FIXED: ODT block settings were not respected
    • FIXED: RTF block settings were not respected
    • FIXED: Sometimes did not display opened documents immediately
    • Translation updates: Czech, German, Italian, Polish
  • Changes in version
    • Released on October 17, 2011
    • FIXED: Missing Qt translations on the Mac
  • Changes in version 1.3.4
    • Released on October 16, 2011
    • Added support for copying RTF
    • Added basic ODT support
    • FIXED: Regression - changing dictionary required restart
    • FIXED: Always vertically center did not work with new documents
    • FIXED: Printed spellchecking highlights
    • FIXED: Did not load file stats when loading file
    • FIXED: Font names were sometimes inserted at head of document
    • FIXED: Crashed when typing after alert for no sound effects
    • Translation updates: Czech, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), Swedish, Ukrainian
  • Changes in version 1.3.3
    • Released on June 27, 2011
    • Added emergency file cache
    • Replaced icon and load image
    • Improved Mac integration
    • Switched to SDL_mixer instead of libao
    • FIXED: Timers action didn't always use theme icon
    • FIXED: Did not follow toolbar style by default
    • FIXED: Did not raise to front in GNOME2
    • FIXED: Cancelling adding a theme did not work
    • FIXED: Font size always show decimal
    • FIXED: Incorrectly handled paragraph end in RTF
    • FIXED: Played sound effects when text was removed
    • FIXED: Could not type in timer time edit
    • FIXED: Incorrect background color for preferences tabs
    • FIXED: Document details were visible through load screen
    • FIXED: Load screen text was not always monospaced
    • FIXED: Replacing quotes with LaTex quotes did not update all quotes
    • FIXED: Could not scroll over background in Qt/Cocoa
    • FIXED: Regression where text did not fill text area
    • FIXED: Scrollbar did not disappear when mousing into header
    • FIXED: Could not interact with tabs in Qt/Cocoa
    • FIXED: Masked scrollbars still showed a pixel
    • FIXED: SDL_mixer was not loaded in most Linux distros
    • FIXED: Documents were visible when resizing window
    • FIXED: No sound on characters inserted with 'compose' key
    • FIXED: Large documents were not centered
    • FIXED: Documents were sometimes displayed truncated
    • FIXED: Could not access menubar while fullscreen in Unity
    • FIXED: Could not leave fullscreen in Unity
    • FIXED: Closing the color picker does not return focus to theme dialogs
    • FIXED: Wasn't switching to already opened document
    • FIXED: Dropping files on main window pasted URLs in KDE
    • FIXED: Qt translations were not deployed on the Mac
    • FIXED: Word count issue with Persian/Farsi
    • FIXED: Forgot new documents saved when closed
    • Translation updates: Czech, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico)
  • Changes in version
    • Released on December 29, 2010
    • FIXED: Crashed when typing
    • Translation updates: Spanish (Mexico)
  • Changes in version 1.3.2
    • Released on December 28, 2010
    • Added rounded corners to themes
    • FIXED: Ubuntu panels appeared when find dialog was shown
    • FIXED: Jumped while selecting text and scrolling
    • FIXED: Statistics and centering were broken for large documents
    • FIXED: Was recentering when backspacing at end of document
    • FIXED: Header stayed visible when menus closed
    • FIXED: Could not select text where header is shown
    • FIXED: Header wasn't shown when menus were shown by keyboard shortcuts
    • FIXED: Toolbar outline stayed visible when it was expanded
    • FIXED: Automatic spellchecking highlighted current word
    • FIXED: Did not inform user when archives have no dictionaries
    • FIXED: Brazilian Portuguese translation could not open all files
    • FIXED: Portuguese translation had incorrect file extension
    • FIXED: Could not scroll over padding
    • FIXED: Could not add words with smart quotes to personal dictionary
    • FIXED: Could add word to personal dictionary multiple times
    • FIXED: Played typewriter sounds for non-printing keys
    • FIXED: Did not center for themes with padding
    • Translation updates: Czech, French, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish
  • Changes in version 1.3.1
    • Released on October 28, 2010
    • Added typewriter sound effects
    • FIXED: Sometimes segfaulted when scrolling
    • FIXED: The C locale was assumed to be UTF-8
    • FIXED: New documents were always centered
    • FIXED: Replace required clicking twice
    • FIXED: Text indents were different sizes
    • FIXED: Did not handle opening Read-Only files
    • FIXED: Did not prompt when there was an error saving files
    • FIXED: Closed even when unable to save files
    • FIXED: Preferences dialog was too big for small screens
    • FIXED: Save As completed even if saving failed
    • FIXED: Crashed if preview image was not created
    • FIXED: Font size was not always listed
    • FIXED: Panels were visible when mouse was over padding
    • FIXED: Informed user of Read-Only status of already open files
    • FIXED: Could not switch to rich text
    • FIXED: Could not update smart quotes for plain text files
    • Translation updates: French, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish
  • Changes in version 1.3.0
    • Released on September 23, 2010
    • Added text formatting
    • Added smart quotes
    • Added session management
    • Added timers and alarms
    • Added importing and exporting themes
    • Added selected text statistics
    • Added dictionaries for supported languages
    • FIXED: Tab focus incorrect in some dialogs
    • FIXED: Text direction broken with Qt 4.7
    • FIXED: Default theme font incorrect
    • FIXED: Created empty tabs for unreadable files
    • FIXED: Warned about losing formatting of empty files
    • FIXED: Could not open symlinked files
    • FIXED: Could always change background image
    • FIXED: Could open empty recent timers menu
    • FIXED: Window background visible during resize
    • FIXED: Window could be made smaller than theme
    • FIXED: Default session was ignored
    • FIXED: File name not updated in interface when changed
    • FIXED: Allowed opening the same document twice
    • FIXED: Save dialog permanently stealing mouse focus
    • Translation updates: French, Portuguese
  • Changes in version 1.2.2
    • Released on July 1, 2010
    • Added portability support
    • Switched to native file dialogs
    • Updated keyboard shortcuts
    • Updated included libraries
    • Translation updates: French, Portuguese
  • Changes in version 1.2.1
    • Released on January 22, 2010
    • Added changing text area's horizontal position
    • Added disabling antialiasing
    • FIXED: Scrolling to top didn't work properly in Linux
    • FIXED: Scrollbar wasn't tracking properly
    • FIXED: Highlight was removed when right-clicking
    • FIXED: Only focused document was centered on launch
    • FIXED: Program would crash if dictionary couldn't be found
    • FIXED: Prompted user about replacing a removed dictionary
    • FIXED: Dictionary added most recently was not selected
    • FIXED: Dictionaries couldn't be used immediately
    • FIXED: Dictionary was assumed to use UTF-8 encoding
    • FIXED: Mouse cursor sometimes disappeared when opening files
    • FIXED: Interface was not hidden when mouse left window
    • FIXED: Margins were not correct when using Qt 4.6.0
    • FIXED: Clock did not respect user's locale
    • FIXED: Time daily goal increased when preferences changed
    • Translation updates: French, Portuguese
  • Changes in version 1.2.0
    • Released on July 12, 2009
    • Added spell checking
    • Added document tabs
    • Added menubar
    • Added toolbar customization
    • Added document statistics
    • Added second wordcount algorithm
    • Added option to use block cursor
    • Improved file saving
    • FIXED: Infinite loop when replacing all instances of a word
    • FIXED: Changing all misspelled words didn't start at beginning
    • FIXED: Changing themes increased progress on daily goals
    • FIXED: Newly created themes were not loaded
    • FIXED: Not properly centering opened documents
  • Changes in version 1.1.2
    • Released on May 31, 2009
    • Use UTF-8 character encoding for files
  • Changes in version 1.1.1
    • Released on May 10, 2009
    • FIXED: Was always launching with time based goals
  • Changes in version 1.1.0
    • Released on April 19, 2009
    • Added daily goals
    • Added support for themes
    • Added find and replace
    • Changed default centering
    • FIXED: Crash when first sentence was deleted
    • FIXED: Image selection dialog not showing last visited path
    • FIXED: Highlighted text using page alpha
  • Changes in version 1.0.0
    • Released on October 23, 2008
    • New project

Full-Frame Stabilized EF USM
World's Best 85mm Lens

Sample Images


USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM (77mm filters, 33.2 oz./941g, 2.8'/0.85m close focus, about $1,599) bigger. I got mine at B&H. I'd also get it at Adorama, at Amazon or at Crutchfield.

This ad-free website's biggest source of support is when you use those or any of these links to my personally-approved sources when you get anything, regardless of the country in which you live. Canon does not seal its boxes in any way, so never buy at retail or any other source not on my personally approved list since you'll have no way of knowing if you're missing accessories, getting a defective, damaged, returned, store demo or used lens. Get yours only from the approved sources I use myself for the best prices, service, return policies and selection. Thanks for helping me help you! Ken.

April 2018 Canon ReviewsCanon LensesCanon FlashAll Reviews

Sample Images

TopSample Images


USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


These images and everything throughout this review are from NORMAL JPGs; no RAW CR2 files or FINE JPGs were used.

Mercedes SL500, 23 April 2018, 5:32 PM. Canon 5DSR, Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS at f/8 at 1/80 at Auto ISO 100, Perfectly Clear. bigger, full-resolution or camera-original © file.

Desert Fountain, 23 April 2018, 7:55 PM. Canon 5DSR, Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS at f/1.4, 1/3 second at ISO 100. bigger or camera-original © file.

Desert Fountain, 23 April 2018, 7:56 PM. Canon 5DSR, Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS at f/8, 10 seconds at ISO 100. bigger or camera-original © file.


TopSample Images


USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


I buy only from these approved sources. I can't vouch for ads below.

This is the world's best 85mm lens. It is insanely sharp at every aperture from corner to corner, has great bokeh, gives magnificent sunstars and is the world's first and only stabilized professional 85mm lens.

It adds image stabilization (IS) and fast autofocus, something not in any other 85mm f/1.4 or f/1.2. The old 85mm f/1.2 L II has no stabilization and very slow autofocus.

This new 85 1.4 has a large-diameter high-precision glass molded aspherical element and has an ASC 'Air Sphere' coating mostly for marketing, but reduces ghosts even further.

Just grab the focus ring at any time for instant manual-focus override.

As with all L lenses, it's dust and moisture resistant.

The original Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 remains as a superb lens for everything at a bargain price with magnificent optics and fast autofocus, but lacks the faster f/1.4 speed, 9-blade diaphragm and image stabilization of this new lens.

The 85mm f/1.2 L II is optimized for astronomy and similarly crazy tasks; it's not for general photography. The f/1.2 version's autofocus has always been deliberately slow to allow its huge optics to focus precisely enough at f/1.2. While the f/1.2 lens is also optically superb, it lacks stabilization and has very slow autofocus. This 85/1.4 has fast AF and is a very practical lens for every day shooting, unlike the f/1.2.


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USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


This is a full frame lens and I'm reviewing it as such.

It also works spectacularly on APS-C cameras, on which you may make the usual inferences.


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This lens works flawlessly on every Canon DSLR and SLR made since 1987.

It work flawlessly on every Canon full-frame and every Canon APS-C DSLR.

Focus timer 1.4 manual

It also works flawlessly on every 35mm EOS camera, like my Canon EOS 1V, introduced in 2000, and yes, I tried it on my original 1987 Canon EOS 620 and autofocus is fast and stabilization works brilliantly.

This isn't Nikon; with Canon, everything just works, even if the camera is over thirty years old.

Use the EOS-M adapter to use this on Canon's EOS-M mirrorless cameras.


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USA VersionUnboxingPerformance



Canon calls this the Canon Lens EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.

Focus Timer 1.4 0

EF: Electronic Focus, as all Canon's lenses have been since 1987.

L: Expensive as L.

IS: Image Stabilization.

USM: Ultrasonic Autofocus Motor.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.bigger.


Canon 85/1.4 internal construction. Aspherical element.

14 elements in 10 groups.

1 glass-molded aspherical element.

Air Sphere (ASC) nano multicoating.

Fluorine coatings to resist dirt and smudges.


Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS (EF diaphragm not visible). bigger.

Pomodoro Timer

9 rounded blades.

Stops down to f/22.

Focal Length


When used on Canon's APS-C cameras, it sees the same angle of view as a 135mm lens sees when used on a full-frame or 35mm camera.

See also Crop Factor.

Angle of View on Full-Frame

28.5º diagonal.

24º horizontal.

16º vertical.


Internal focus.

Ring Ultrasonic motor.

No external movement as focused, so no air or dust is sucked in.

Focus Scale


Depth of Field Scale

Yes, abbreviated.

Infrared Focus Index


Close Focus

2.8 feet (0.85 meters).

Maximum Reproduction Ratio

1:8.3 (0.12×).

Image Stabilizer

Rated 4 stops improvement.


77mm filter thread.


Canon ET-83E hood for 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.bigger.

ET-83E plastic bayonet hood included.


Canon LP1219 Lens Sack.bigger.

Nice LP1219 sack included.


3.49' maximum diameter × 4.15' extension from flange.

88.6 mm maximum diameter × 105.4 mm extension from flange.


33.195 oz. (941.0g), actual measured weight.

Canon rates it as 33.5 oz. (950g).


29 August 2017.

Promised for

17 November 2017.

Canon Model Number


Canon Product Code

2271C002 in USA, 2271C001 in Japan.



Price, USA

$1,599, August 2017 ~ April 2018.

Getting a Legal USA Version

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USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


This section applies in the USA only.

In the USA, be sure there's a USA warranty card inside your box, and that the serial number on the bottom of your lens matches the serial number on the warranty card and on the sticker on the box.

Canon USA warranty card.bigger.

If you don't have this card or the serial number doesn't match, you got ripped off with a gray market version from another country. (The serial number on the box doesn't have to match, but if it doesn't it means you bought from a shady dealer who took lenses out of boxes and then resold them as new.) This is why I never buy anyplace other than from my personally approved sources. You just can't take the chance of buying elsewhere, especially at any retail store, because non-USA versions have no warranty in the USA, and you won't even be able to get firmware or service for it — even if you're willing to pay out-of-pocket for it when you need it!

If a gray market version saves you $400 it may be worth it, but for $200 or less I wouldn't risk having no warranty or support.

Always be sure to check your box while you can still return it, or just don't buy from unapproved sources or at retail so you'll be able to have your camera serviced and get free updated firmware as needed.

Get yours from the same places I do and you won't have a problem, but if you take the risk of getting yours elsewhere, be sure to check everything while you still can return it.


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USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.bigger.

The box and lens are completely unsealed. There is no way to know if anyone else has been fiddling with your lens, swapping parts and accessories, or even if it's a used lens.

That's why it's critical only to buy from an approved online source, since they ship from automated warehouses where no shifty salesmen or customers ever get to touch your new exotic 85/1.4 before it ships. While new $5 CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays and bottles of milk and drinking water are sealed and quite obvious if anyone's opened them, paradoxically Canon doesn't bother sealing anything, so your only insurance is to buy only from a trusted online dealer.

Open the unsealed microcorrugated cardboard box, and you should see the USA warranty paperwork and instructions sheet on top of the folded LP1219 lens sack:

Canon USA warranty card.bigger.

Take out the paperwork and LP1219 sack and lift out a cardboard tray and you'll see the top white foam that holds the lens. Lift out the white foam and you now can lift out your new lens.

What's included, Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.bigger.

Your new lens is wrapped in plastic, and the hood is also wrapped in plastic and put over the lens. There is another white foam piece on the bottom of the box.

Unlike cheap lenses that just use folded cardboard inside their boxes, these white foam spacers will absorb enough shock to protect your lens from just about any kind of abuse in shipping.


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USA VersionUnboxingPerformance



The Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM is incredible: it's ultrasharp, especially corner-to-corner wide-open at f/1.4, and offers super fast autofocus as well as the world's first image stabilization in this sort of lens. Bravo Canon!


Autofocus is fast and sure. No problems here.

Manual Focus

Manual focus is just as easy: grab the focus ring at any time for instant manual-focus override.

Focus Breathing

Focus breathing is the image changing size as focused in and out. It's important to cinematographers because it looks funny if the image changes size as focus gets pulled back and forth between actors. If the lens does this, the image 'breathes' by growing and contracting slightly as the dialog goes back and forth.

The image from this 85 1.4 lens gets bigger as focused more closely.


Bokeh, the feel or quality of out-of-focus areas as opposed to how far out of focus they are, is beautiful. That's one of the main reasons people shoot 85mm f/1.4 lenses. Here's a sample from headshot distance:

Davis 6250 weather station, 23 April 2018. bigger or camera-original © file.

As always, if you want to throw the background as far out of focus as possible, shoot at f/1.4 and get as close as possible.

Here are shots of a fountain at dusk. Exposures ranged from ⅓ to 20 seconds. Click any for the camera-original © files:


The 85/1.4 has no visible distortion, except some pincushion at the closest focus distances. There is no distortion at far distances.

For more critical use it's easy to correct fully with Photoshop's lens correction filter with these correction factors. These aren't facts or specifications, they are the results of my research that requires hours of photography and calculations on the resulting data:

On Full-Frame and 35mm
10' (3m)
3' (1m)

© 2018 All rights reserved.


Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.bigger.

Other than this being a big, fat, heavy lens, ergonomics are perfect.

The focus ring works great, and the two slide switches fall right under my thumb and are easy to move, but impossible to knock by accident.


Falloff on Full Frame is invisible, with Peripheral Illumination Correction ON.

With correction OFF or on 35mm film, it's visible at f/1.4, and goes away by f/2.

I've greatly exaggerated the falloff by shooting a gray field and placing these on a gray background:

Falloff on Full-Frame at infinity, Peripheral Illumination Correction ON.


© 2018 All rights reserved.

Falloff on Full-Frame and 35mm at infinity, Peripheral Illumination Correction OFF.


© 2018 All rights reserved.

Filters, use with

There's no need for thin filters.

I tried three stacked regular 77mm filters and had no vignetting. I didn't bother trying more, it's obvious you can use all your standard rotating polarizers and grad filters.

Flare & Ghosts

The Canon 85/1.4 L IS is very resistant to ghosts. You won't see any unless you deliberately go out of your way to do something foolish like put the open sun in one corner of your picture and put a tree in shade to fill the rest of the image like this.

If you do this, you'll see that you'll get more ghosts if you use a filter. If you're getting ghosts in your images, pull off your filter. Remember that you'll see more ghosts in your finder than you'll see in your final images because viewfinder optics usually have more ghosts than this lens!

See Sunstars for more samples.

Lateral Color Fringes

There are no color fringes as shot on Canon cameras, which by default usually correct for any that may be there.

There is spherochromatism on out-of-focus areas; that's a completely different aberration.


This Canon 85 1.4 focuses exactly as close as every other 85mm lens made since the 1960s. It's sad that this advanced lens' close-focus is exactly the same 0.85 meters as every other 85mm manual focus lens.

What this lens does better than other 85mm lenses is that it's super-sharp even at f/1.4 at its close-focus distance. Of course spherochromatism means that at f/1.4 you'll get magenta or green color fringes on anything not in perfect focus, which means almost everything in a macro shot, but when in perfect focus this lens is remarkably sharp at every focused distance even wide-open at f/1.4.

Kienzle Flieger Automat 800/2843 at close-focus distance at f/1.4, 07 April 2018. bigger or camera-original © file.

1,200 × 900 pixel crop from above.bigger or camera-original © file.

If this crop is about 6' (15cm) wide on your screen, then the complete image printed at this same extreme magnification would be about 29 × 43' (2.4 × 3.6 feet or 0.75 × 1.1 meters).

If this crop is about 12' (30cm) wide on your screen, then the complete image printed at this same extreme magnification would be about 58 × 87' (4.8 × 7.2 feet or 1.5 × 2.2 meters).

Mechanical Quality

Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.bigger.

This is well made lens, with a plastic outside and metal insides.


Plastic bayonet.

Front Bumper


Filter Threads


Hood Bayonet Mount


Front Barrel Exterior


Focus Ring

Rubber-covered plastic.

Main Barrel Exterior



Printed around front top of lens barrel.


Seem like all metal!

Dirt Seal at Mount



Dull chromed metal.



Serial Number

Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.bigger.

Laser engraved in black-on-black on bottom of barrel.

Date Code

None found.

Noises When Shaken

Minor clunking.

Made in



This lens is essentially optically perfect. The only limitation to picture sharpness is your skill as a photographer.

All these images are from NORMAL JPGs; no RAW CR2 files or FINE JPGs were used.

What's insanely good about this lens is that, if you can get everything in perfect focus on a flat subject, it's ultrasharp even at f/1.4:

Trek Émonda SLR 8 H2 58cm (Made in USA!!) at f/1.4, 25 April 2018, 10:34 AM. Canon 5DSR, Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS at f/1.4 at 1/6,300 at ISO 50. bigger or camera-original © file.

What makes the photo above standout is how perfectly sharp the parts in perfect focus are — even though I shot it wide-open at f/1.4 in broad daylight, where most f/1.4 lenses aren't as sharp as when they're shot at normal apertures. Also what you should realize is that the depth-of-field is only about ¼″ (6mm) at this distance. If something is ⅛″ (3mm) closer it will be softer and magenta-fringed due to spherochromatism, and things ⅛″ (3mm) behind the point of perfect focus will have slight green fringes due to spherochromatism. If you look at the camera-original © file you will see how different parts of the bicycle are or are not in perfect focus. Look very carefully and you'll see that what's in perfect focus is perfect, while others things slightly closer or farther away have slight color fringes because they are out of focus (that's spherochromatism).

Of course in normal use at normal apertures this 85mm is as ultra-sharp as every other 85mm lens, and spherochromatism goes away as well:

Trek Émonda SLR 8 H2 58cm (Made in USA!), 25 April 2018, 10:34 AM. Canon 5DSR, Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS at f/5.6 at 1/400 at ISO 50. bigger or camera-original © file.

The reason the camera-original © file looks so much sharper here is that all of the bicycle is now in focus. At f/1.4 the depth of field was so shallow that not even all the gears in the custom narrow-ratio 11-speed 28~14T rear cluster were in focus.

Grass growing at f/1.4 shot on a 5DSR, April 2018.bigger, full-resolution or camera-original © file.

Goodness, you can see every detail on every blade of grass in the camera-original © file, and this is shot at f/1.4, where almost nothing is in focus, and it's ultrasharp out to the corners.

Ditto for this shot of concrete curing. Only an idiot would shoot this daylight photo at f/1.4, but even if you do as I did here to make a point, it's ultra-sharp even at f/1.4 corner to corner:

Concrete curing at f/1.4 shot on a 5DSR, April 2018. bigger, full-resolution or camera-original © file.

Of course in actual use you wouldn't shoot at f/1.4 for the sharpest real-world shots; you'd shoot between f/4 and f/8 for the best results.

Canon's MTF curves.

Focus timer 1.4 0


Spherochromatism, also called 'color bokeh' by laymen, can cause colored fringes on out-of-focus highlights, usually seen as green fringes on backgrounds and magenta fringes on foregrounds.

Spherochromatism is very common with fast, long lenses like this when shot wide open.

It is an advanced form of chromatic aberration in a different dimension than lateral color.

Spherochromatism goes away as stopped down.

This 85 1.4 has lots of spherochromatism, like all other 85mm f/1.4 lenses. Stop it down to f/2 or f/2.8 and it goes away.

Kienzle Flieger Automat 800/2843 at close-focus distance at f/1.4, 07 April 2018. bigger or camera-original © file.

1,200 × 900 pixel crop from above.bigger or camera-original © file.

If this crop is about 6' (15cm) wide on your screen, then the complete image printed at this same extreme magnification would be about 29 × 43' (2.4 × 3.6 feet or 0.75 × 1.1 meters).

If this crop is about 12' (30cm) wide on your screen, then the complete image printed at this same extreme magnification would be about 58 × 87' (4.8 × 7.2 feet or 1.5 × 2.2 meters).


While its diaphragm is rounded at large apertures, the blades become straight at moderate apertures and give exquisite 18-pointed sunstars. Here's a shot at f/4.5 with perfect, sharp sunstars:

Mercedes SL500, 23 April 2018, 5:32 PM. Canon 5DSR, Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS at f/4.5 at 1/250 at Auto ISO 100, Perfectly Clear. bigger, full-resolution or camera-original © file.

1,200 × 900 pixel crop from above 50MP image. bigger, full-resolution or camera-original © file.

If this crop is about 6' (15cm) wide on your screen, then the complete image printed at this same extreme magnification would be about 29 × 43' (2.4 × 3.6 feet or 0.75 × 1.1 meters).

If this crop is about 12' (30cm) wide on your screen, then the complete image printed at this same extreme magnification would be about 58 × 87' (4.8 × 7.2 feet or 1.5 × 2.2 meters).

Here's the same scene at f/8:

Mercedes SL500, 23 April 2018, 5:32 PM. Canon 5DSR, Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS at f/8 at 1/80 at Auto ISO 100, Perfectly Clear. bigger, full-resolution or camera-original © file.

1,200 × 900 pixel crop from above 50MP image. bigger, full-resolution or camera-original © file.

If this crop is about 6' (15cm) wide on your screen, then the complete image printed at this same extreme magnification would be about 29 × 43' (2.4 × 3.6 feet or 0.75 × 1.1 meters).

If this crop is about 12' (30cm) wide on your screen, then the complete image printed at this same extreme magnification would be about 58 × 87' (4.8 × 7.2 feet or 1.5 × 2.2 meters).

Here's a series of shots of the sun peeking through palm fronds. Click any to enlarge:

click any to enlarge.


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USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


Versus the World

This is the world's best 85mm lens. No other 85mm is sharper, and no other professional 85mm lens is stabilized.

All 85mm lenses have the same 2.8'/0.85 meter close focus distance, strong spherochromatism and super-sharp optics; no differences here.

Versus the 85mm f/1.2 L II

Canon 85mm f/1.2 L II.

The 85/1.2 L II also has spectacular optics and doesn't weigh much more. However it's much older, only has an 8-bladed diaphragm for inferior 8-pointed, not 18-pointed sunstars, lacks image stabilization, focuses much more slowly and costs more.

The 85/1.2 is for astronomy or other things that require no stabilization or are shot on tripods, while this new 85/1.4 is a much more practical lens for hand-held and regular shooting, or shooting anything that moves.

Versus the 85mm f/1.8

Canon 85mm f/1.8.

The Canon 85mm f/1.8 is as sharp when shot at normal apertures, but the 85/1.8 lacks stabilization. The 85/1.4 has 9 expertly-curved diaphragm blades for round bokeh and magnificent 18-pointed sunstars, while the 85/1.8 only has 8 regular blades for octagonal bokeh and dull 8 (not 18) point sunstars.

For most normal uses where you don't need stabilization or sunstars, the pictures from either of these lenses will be exactly the same, and the 85/1.8 costs less than one-quarter the price and less than half the weight of the 85/1.4. I show it as large here for clarity, but it's a much smaller and lighter lens then the f/1.2 or f/1.4.

The 85/1.4 L is for those who deserve the best or those who like nice equipment; the 85/1.8 is the most intelligent choice if money or size and weight or sanity matter more to you. The pictures are exactly the same 99% of the time. See also Is It Worth It.

Versus the Nikon 85/1.4G

Nikon 85mm f/1.4G.

The Nikon 85/1.4G lacks stabilization but this Nikon lens is much lighter; 20.8 oz/591g versus the Canon's 33.2 oz./941g.

Both are insanely sharp, have great bokeh, have the same maximum macro reproduction ratio, have the same level of spherochromatism and are both otherwise optically just about perfect. They have the same price as of 2018.

Versus the Sony 85mm f/1.4 GM

Sony FE 85mm f/1.4 GM.

The Sony 85mm f/1.4 GM is almost a first-class lens. This Sony lens has superb optics. This Sony has no focus breathing, while the Canon does. This Sony lens lacks stabilization, but many Sony cameras have some basic sensor-shift ability. This Sony lens weighs less than the Canon (28.9 oz./820g versus 33.2 oz./941g).

Sony adds a focus lock button, but the Sony has much more ghosts.

Sadly this Sony only has an electronic focus ring which means no real instantaneous manual-focus override in all settings, a key weakness of the Sony system.

This Sony lens isn't made as well as the others, with a serial number simply glued on a sticker, but it costs more.

If you shoot Sony then this lens works better than anything adapted to Sony, especially for super fast autofocus. If you shoot Sony, ignore the other brands; you're not doing yourself any favors getting the Canon lens and an adapter.


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USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


How to shoot at f/1.4 in daylight

You'll probably need a faster shutter speed than 1/8,000, even at ISO 50.

No worries; I use a Tiffen 77mm ND 0.9 3-stop neutral-density filter and I'm set. Other brands of filters cost more and might be coated or multicoated, while I've always found Tiffens to be the most color-neutral. That's why they're the standard in Hollywood motion picture work: they don't shift colors and are more durable and easier to clean than coated filters.

Focus Timer 1.4 1

AF Fine Tuning

You shouldn't mess with your camera's AF Fine Tuning adjustment unless you really know what you're doing. It's unlikely this lens needs any adjustment, while most people who fiddle with this do it wrong.

Don't adjust focus with slanted, curved or tilted targets because AF sensors are never exactly where they are marked in the finder. Therefore slanted targets add more errors when you consider that the actual AF sensors are in different places than you think.

The proper way to adjust focusing with this lens is to use its Spherochromatism at f/1.4 to our advantage. If you're seeing green or magenta fringes, you're not in perfect focus. The way to adjust this lens is to use a flat target with strong light/dark or white/black contrasts and shoot at f/1.4. If you have magenta fringes then you're focused behind the target, and if the fringes are green you're focused in front of the target.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.4 L IS USM.bigger.

AF | | MF Switch

Leave this in AF. Even in AF you may grab the focus ring at any time for instant manual focus override.

Use MF only if you want to disable autofocus and work only in manual focus.


Leave this ON all the time hand-held, and leave it ON even if you're on a tripod for exposures less than about a half second. Cameras, even in Mirror Up, generate a little bit of shake on a tripod, especially between 1/50 and 1/2 second.


Don't leave it ON on a tripod for exposures of a second or more because the IS system will add blur over time exposures.


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USA VersionUnboxingPerformance


This is the world's premium choice for the best 85mm lens for general photography. People used to buy the 85mm f/1.2 L II, but its slow autofocus made it an iffy choice for general use. The f/1.2 has always been intended for astronomy, not for general shooting.

The original 85mm f/1.8 is intended for general shooting, and remains a spectacular lens regardless of its bargain price. It's at least as sharp stopped down and almost as sharp wide-open as this new f/1.4. The 85/1.8 remains a superb choice, and when you consider that it sells for just $349 because it's been in Canon's catalog since 1992, if price matters and you can live without image stabilization, the 85mm f/1.8 takes the same pictures for less than a quarter of the price.

The very best protective filter for this f/1.4 is the 77mm Hoya multicoated HD3 UV which uses hardened glass and repels dirt and fingerprints.

For less money, the B+W 77mm 010 is an excellent filter, as are the multicoated version and the basic multicoated Hoya filters, but the Hoya HD3 is the toughest and the best.

Filters last a lifetime, so you may as well get the best. The Hoya HD3 stays cleaner than the others since it repels oil and dirt.

I got my 85/1.4 at B&H. I'd also get it at Adorama, at Amazon or at Crutchfield.

This ad-free website's biggest source of support is when you use those or any of these links to approved sources when you get anything, regardless of the country in which you live. Canon does not seal its boxes in any way, so never buy at retail or any other source not on my personally approved list since you'll have no way of knowing if you're missing accessories, getting a defective, damaged, returned, store demo or used lens. I use the stores I do because they ship from secure remote warehouses where no one gets to touch your new camera before you do. Buy only from the approved sources I use myself for the best prices, service, return policies and selection.

Thanks for helping me help you!

Ken, Mrs. Rockwell, Ryan and Katie.

© Ken Rockwell. All rights reserved. Tous droits réservés. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Help Me Help You

I support my growing family through this website, as crazy as it might seem.

The biggest help is when you use any of these links when you get anything. It costs you nothing, and is this site's, and thus my family's, biggest source of support. These places always have the best prices and service, which is why I've used them since before this website existed. I recommend them all personally.

If you find this page as helpful as a book you might have had to buy or a workshop you may have had to take, feel free to help me continue helping everyone.

If you've gotten your gear through one of my links or helped otherwise, you're family. It's great people like you who allow me to keep adding to this site full-time. Thanks!

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As this page is copyrighted and formally registered, it is unlawful to make copies, especially in the form of printouts for personal use. If you wish to make a printout for personal use, you are granted one-time permission only if you PayPal me $5.00 per printout or part thereof. Thank you!

Thanks for reading!

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rockwell, Ryan and Katie.