Mail Plugin

Zoho Mail Plugin for WordPress helps you configure your Zoho Mail Account in your WordPress site. It allows you to send emails from WordPress using your Zoho Mail account.

  1. Jenkins Mail Plugin
  2. Mail Plugin

Sends email to the list of users who committed a change since the last non-broken build till now. This list at least always include people who made changes in this build, but if the previous build was a failure it also includes the culprit list from there. Email For Download is an easy way to grow your email list offering free digital assets in return. Add the shortcode in a post or a page to embed the form to be filled by the users who want to download your file(s). Great for promoting free digital assets on your site. Configuring Zoho Mail Plugin. Once the plugin is installed, you need to configure your Zoho Mail account in WordPress to send emails via Zoho Mail API. After installing the plugin, Zoho Mail plugin tab will appear on the left menu. Navigate to the Zoho Mail Account configuration page under this tab.

Table of Contents

  • Configuring Zoho Mail plugin

To make sure that emails from your website are considered valid and authentic, you need to use only authorized server configuration to send emails. Configuring email servers for your websites can be too technical and complex. To make it simple, in WordPress Sites, you can directly install the Zoho Mail Word Press Plugin to easily use your accounts in Zoho Mail to send emails.

Zoho Mail Plugin for WordPress - Requirements

To use the Zoho Mail Plugin for Wordpress, you need to have a self-hosted Wordpress site for your domain.

  • A Zoho Mail Account
  • A self-hosted WordPress site
  • PHP 5.6 or later

How to install Zoho Mail Plugin in WordPress?

  1. Login to your self-hosted WordPress account and navigate to the Admin Dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New section of the Dashboard from the left menu.
  3. Search for Zoho Mail Plugin using the Search bar and click the Install Now button next to the plugin.
  4. You can also install the Zoho Mail Plugin from here.
  5. To activate the plugin, go to the Plugins > Installed Plugins Section.
  6. Click the Activate button corresponding to Zoho Mail Plugin.
  7. The Zoho Mail plugin has now been activated in your WordPress account.

Parameters - Zoho Mail WordPress Plugin

Client DomainThe region in which your Zoho Account Data resides. (One of the valid domains hosted with Zoho)
Client IDThe Client ID assigned to you when you register your application in the Developer Console. (Generated in Zoho Developer Console)
Client SecretThe Client Secret of the registered application. (Generated in Zoho Developer Console)
Authorized Redirect URIThe callback URI obtained from your Site to create the Client ID. (Available from Wordpress Configuration Page)
From Email AddressThe email address that will be used while sending all emails. (From Email address/ Email Alias of your Zoho Mail Account)
From NameThe name that will be shown as the Display Name while sending all emails from WordPress.

Configuring Zoho Mail Plugin

Once the plugin is installed, you need to configure your Zoho Mail account in WordPress to send emails via Zoho Mail API.

  1. After installing the plugin, Zoho Mail plugin tab will appear on the left menu. Navigate to the Zoho Mail Account configuration page under this tab.
  2. Copy the Authorized Redirect URI provided on that page.
  3. Login to your Zoho Mail Account and access the Zoho Developer Console.
  4. Click Add Client ID to create a new Client ID and Client Secret to access Zoho Mail API.
  5. Provide the appropriate Client Name and Client Domain along with the Authorized Redirect URI copied from your WordPress account.
  6. Click Create to receive the Client ID and Client Secret.
  7. Go to the Zoho Mail Account configuration page in the WordPress Dashboard to complete the process.
  8. Enter the obtained Client ID, Client Secret and the From Email Address and Name in this page.
    The 'FromEmailId' should be the from email address (default email address/ email alias) of the same account, for which the Client Secret was generated.
  9. Click Authorize.
  10. A consent screen asking permission to access your Zoho Account data is displayed. Click Accept.

You will now be able to send emails from your WordPress site using your Zoho Mail Account.


Test Plugin

Jenkins Mail Plugin


Once the Zoho Mail plugin is configured in your WordPress account, you can check the functionality of the plugin by sending a Test Email.

  1. In your WordPress Dashboard left menu, go to Zoho Mail > Test Mail.
  2. Enter the following details:
    • To: Email Address of the recipient
    • Subject: Subject of the email
    • Content: The message or body of the email
  3. Click Send Mail.

A test mail will be sent which will be available in the Sent folder of the Zoho Mail Account used to configure the plugin. By default, the email will be sent using the 'From address' of the account


  • You can set a ReplyTo address for the emails sent through the plugin, provided that the To address is the same as the From address you configure.
  • HTML emails are supported by Zoho Mail Plugin. HTML emails can be sent if the content type is set accordingly in the header, by the plugin that initiates the email. Click here for details.
  • Sending emails through Zoho Mail is subjective to our Usage Policy restrictions. Please refer to our Usage Policy page for details.


Mail Plugin

Invalid Client Secret

  • While configuring your plugin, ensure you have entered the correct information in the Domain field. Select the region in which your Zoho account is hosted (in, com etc).
  • Verify if the Client ID and Client Secret used in the configuration page matches with the Client created for the plugin in Zoho Developer Console.

If all the above-given troubleshooting methods do not resolve the issue, reach out to our Customer support ( with the screenshot of the configuration settings page for a solution.