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Jan 18, 2011  Houdini is a simply designed app to let you take full advantage of Mac OS X's 'hidden folder' and 'hidden file' ability. It allows you to create, access, move, reveal or delete hidden folders and files. Full mastery of hidden files in OS X; The ability to toggle the visibility of hidden files with the 'Toggle File Visibility' button. Jul 10, 2017 Operating systems hide these files by default, so you can use this trick to hide some files if you share a computer with someone else. This trick is far from foolproof. It’s trivial to enable the “show hidden files” option and find a hidden file. Operating systems hide many system files by default — just to get them out of your way. May 09, 2012 Hide My Files is an application which allows you to hide your private data. It is ideal the moment you share your computer with multiple users, since it grants you a certain level of security. Mar 25, 2017  How to hide an entire drive from prying eyes on Windows 10 You can hide specific drives on Windows 10 to prevent users from prying into your files. Mar 16, 2016  When you open the app, you’ll receive a message indicating that the hidden file list is empty. Tap the folder icon in the top-right of the screen to begin hiding files. The app works like a basic file management app. As long as you know where the file is located, you can hide it regardless of type. Mar 25, 2017 How to hide an entire drive from prying eyes on Windows 10 You can hide specific drives on Windows 10 to prevent users from prying into your files or misusing your data, and in this guide, we'll.

When you share your computer with family members or friends, Windows 10 by default will list every user account on the sign-in screen. However, there could be times when you may have some additional accounts that you don't want listed. For example, accounts for users who only login remotely to their PCs, or an account that you want to keep secret from regular users.

While the operating system doesn't offer an option to pick which user accounts appear on the sign-in screen, you can easily hide any user from being listed by modifying the registry.

In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through the steps to hide user accounts from the sign-in screen on your computer.

Important: Before you make any changes, make sure to understand that you'll be modifying the Windows registry, which could be a dangerous game that can cause irreversible damage to your computer when changes are not done properly. It's recommended that you do a full backup of your system before proceeding. You've been warned!

How to hide user accounts from the sign-in screen

Windows 10 by default displays the full name on a user on the sign-in screen, but to make this work you'll need the name of the account. You can find this information by opening Local Users and Groups. However, this option is only available for Pro users, as such we'll be using the old User Accounts manager that is available on Windows 10 Pro as well as on Windows 10 Home.

  1. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command, type netplwiz, and click OK to open User Accounts.
  2. Select the account you want to hide and click Properties.

  3. Make note of the User name for the account.

Use the following steps to hide an account from sign-in screen on Windows 10:

  1. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command, type regedit, and click OK to open the Windows Registry.
  2. Browse the following path:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon

  3. Right-click the Winlogon, select New, and click Key.
  4. Name the new key SpecialAccounts.

  5. Right-click the SpecialAccounts key, select new, and click Key.
  6. Name the new key UserList.

  7. Inside of UserList, right-click, select New, and click DWORD (32-bit) Value.

  8. Name the new DWORD key with the name of the account you're trying to hide.
  9. Double-click the new DWORD key and make sure its data value is set to 0.

Sign-out and you'll now notice that the account will no longer be available on the sign-in screen. In fact by doing this, you're also hiding the account from virtually everywhere in the operating system, including the from the switch user menu in the Start menu, from Control Panel, and even from the Settings app.

Hide Files 1.0 Free

In order to make a hidden account visible again, you'll have to go back to the registry UserList key using the steps mentioned above, and making sure to change the user name data key value from 0 to 1.

If you're only hiding a remote user account, you don't need to do anything else, as the user can login remotely without any issues.

Keep in mind that while this guide will help you to remove user accounts from the sign-in screen, it's not recommended to remove all the accounts, including your own, as you may find tough to get back in.


These steps work on Windows 10, and it should also work on Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.

Hide Files And Folders

More Windows 10 resources

For more help articles, coverage, and answers on Windows 10, you can visit the following resources:

Will of the bugs

Ori and the Will of the Wisps: Known bugs, issues, and workarounds

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Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a remarkable game, but right now it's a little rough, even with post-launch patches. Here are the known issues so far, and what Moon Studios is working on repairing.