Volta 1.2.5

Sep 05, 2016  Category People & Blogs; Song Together; Artist Bob Sinclar & Steve Edwards; Album X-Diaries; Licensed to YouTube by Blanco y Negro Music, SME (on behalf of disco:wax); ASCAP, UMPG Publishing. Tunes/chant (National Standards 1,2,5) Students will read and sing melody fragments extracted from Ghanaian folk melodies (National Standards 1,5) Students will learn about and play authentic instruments from Southern Ghana - firikiwa, tokee, gankogui (National Standards 2, 6, 7, 8, 9). Hello there and a warm welcome to the Cyclingnews live race centre for the first day of what should be a cracking Volta ao Algarve. Evenepoel, Van der Poel, Thomas. Volta‬ 1.2.5 - PhET Interactive Simulations.

How to convert electric current in amps (A) to electric power in watts (W).

You can calculate watts from amps and volts. You can't convert amps to watts since watts and amps units do not measure the same quantity.

DC amps to watts calculation formula

The power P in watts (W) is equal to the currentI in amps (A), times the voltageV in volts (V):

P(W) = I(A)× V(V)

So watts are equal to amps times volts:

watt = amp × volt


W = A × V


What is power consumption in watts when the current is 3A and the voltage supply is 110V?

Answer: the power P is equal to current of 3 amps times the voltage of 110 volts.

P = 3A × 110V = 330W

AC single phase amps to watts calculation formula

The real power P in watts (W) is equal to the power factorPF times the phase current I in amps (A), times the RMS voltage V in volts (V):

P(W) = PF × I(A)× V(V)

So watts are equal to power factor times amps times volts:

watt = PF ×amp × volt


W = PF ×A × V


What is power consumption in watts when the power factor is 0.8 and the phase current is 3A and the RMS voltage supply is 110V?

Answer: the power P is equal to power factor of 0.8 times current of 3 amps times voltage of 110 volts.

P = 0.8 × 3A × 110V = 264W

AC three phase amps to watts calculation formula

Watts calculation with line to line voltage

The real power P in watts (W) is equal to square root of 3 times the power factorPF times the phase current I in amps (A), times the line to line RMS voltage VL-L in volts (V):

P(W) = 3 × PF × I(A)× VL-L(V)

So watts are equal to square root of 3 times power factor PF times amps times volts:

watt = 3 × PF ×amp × volt


W = 3 × PF ×A × V


What is power consumption in watts when the power factor is 0.8 and the phase current is 3A and the RMS voltage supply is 110V?

Answer: the power P is equal to power factor of 0.8 times current of 3 amps times the voltage of 110 volts.

Volta 1.2.5 Para

P = 3 × 0.8 × 3A × 110V = 457W

Watts calculation with line to neutral voltage

The calculation assumes the loads are balanced.

The real power P in watts (W) is equal to 3 times the power factorPF times the phase current I in amps (A), times the line to neutral RMS voltage VL-0 in volts (V):

P(W) = 3 × PF × I(A)× VL-0(V)

So watts are equal to 3 times power factor PF times amps times volts:

watt = 3 × PF ×amp × volt


W = 3 × PF ×A × V

See also

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1.2.5 Bars

Bar lines
Bar numbers
Bar and bar number checks
Rehearsal marks
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[ < Bars ][ Up : Bars ][ Bar numbers > ]

Bar lines

Volta 1.2.5 Art

Bar lines delimit measures, and are also used to indicaterepeats. Normally, simple bar lines are automatically insertedinto the printed output at places based on the current timesignature.

The simple bar lines inserted automatically can be changed toother types with the bar command. For example, a closingdouble bar line is usually placed at the end of a piece:

It is not invalid if the final note in a measure does notend on the automatically entered bar line: the note is assumedto carry over into the next measure. But if a long sequenceof such carry-over measures appears the music can appear compressedor even flowing off the page. This is because automatic linebreaks happen only at the end of complete measures, i.e., whereall notes end before the end of a measure.

Note: An incorrect duration can cause line breaks to beinhibited, leading to a line of highly compressed music ormusic that flows off the page.

Line breaks are also permitted at manually inserted bar lineseven within incomplete measures. To allow a line break withoutprinting a bar line, use the following:

This will insert an invisible bar line and allow (but notforce) a line break to occur at this point. The bar numbercounter is not increased. To force a line break seeLine breaking.

This and other special bar lines may be inserted manually at anypoint. When they coincide with the end of a measure they replacethe simple bar line which would have been inserted thereautomatically. When they do not coincide with the end of a measurethe specified bar line is inserted at that point in the printedoutput.

Note that manual bar lines are purely visual. They do not affectany of the properties that a normal bar line would affect, such asmeasure numbers, accidentals, line breaks, etc. They do not affectthe calculation and placement of subsequent automatic bar lines.When a manual bar line is placed where a normal bar line alreadyexists, the effects of the original bar line are not altered.

Two types of simple bar lines and five types of double bar lines areavailable for manual insertion:

together with dotted and dashed bar lines:

and nine types of repeat bar lines:

Additionally, a bar line can be printed as a simple tick:

However, as such ticks are typically used in Gregorian chant, it ispreferable to use divisioMinima there instead, described inthe section Divisiones in Gregorian chant.

LilyPond supports kievan notation and provides a special kievanbar line:

Further details of this notation are explained inTypesetting Kievan square notation.

For in-line segno signs, there are three types of bar lines whichdiffer in their behavior at line breaks:

Although the bar line types signifying repeats may be insertedmanually they do not in themselves cause LilyPond to recognizea repeated section. Such repeated sections are better enteredusing the various repeat commands (see Repeats), whichautomatically print the appropriate bar lines.

In addition, you can specify '.|:-||', which is equivalent to'.|:' except at line breaks, where it gives a double barline at the end of the line and a start repeat at the beginning ofthe next line.

For combinations of repeats with the segno sign, there are six differentvariations:

Additionally there is an inStaffSegno command which createsa segno bar line in conjunction with an appropriate repeat bar linewhen used with a repeat volta command, seeNormal repeats.

New bar line types can be defined with defineBarLine:

The defineBarLine variables can include the‘empty’ string ', which is equivalent to an invisiblebar line being printed. Or they can be set to #f whichprints no bar line at all.

After the definiton, the new bar line can be used bybarbartype.

There are currently ten bar line elements available:

The '=' bar line provides the double span bar line, usedin combination with the segno sign. Do not use it as a standalonedouble thin bar line; here, bar'||' ispreferred.

The '-' sign starts annotations to bar lines whichare useful to distinguish those with identical appearancebut different behavior at line breaks and/or different span bars.The part following the '-' sign is not used for building upthe bar line.

Furthermore, the space character ' ' serves as a placeholderfor defining span bars correctly aligned to the main bar lines:

If additional elements are needed, LilyPond provides a simpleway to define them. For more information on modifying or addingbar lines, see file ‘scm/bar-line.scm’.

In scores with many staves, a bar command in one staff isautomatically applied to all staves. The resulting bar lines areconnected between different staves of a StaffGroup,PianoStaff, or GrandStaff.

The command ‘bar bartype’ is a shortcut for‘set Timing.whichBar = bartype’. A bar line iscreated whenever the whichBar property is set.

The default bar type used for automatically inserted bar lines is'|'. This may be changed at any time with‘set Timing.defaultBarType = bartype’.

See also

Notation Reference:Line breaking,Repeats,Grouping staves.

Installed Files:‘scm/bar-line.scm’.


Internals Reference:BarLine (created at Staff level),SpanBar (across staves),Timing_translator (for Timing properties).

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Bar numbers

Bar numbers are typeset by default at the start of every line exceptthe first line. The number itself is stored in thecurrentBarNumber property, which is normally updatedautomatically for every measure. It may also be set manually:

Bar numbers can be typeset at regular intervals instead of just at thebeginning of every line. To do this the default behavior must beoverridden to permit bar numbers to be printed at places other than thestart of a line. This is controlled by the break-visibilityproperty of BarNumber. This takes three values which may be setto #t or #f to specify whether the corresponding barnumber is visible or not. The order of the three values isend of line visible, middle of line visible,beginning of line visible. In the following example bar numbersare printed at all possible places:

Selected Snippets

Printing the bar number for the first measure

By default, the first bar number in a score is suppressed if it is lessthan or equal to ‘1’. By setting barNumberVisibility toall-bar-numbers-visible, any bar number can be printed for thefirst measure and all subsequent measures. Note that an empty bar linemust be inserted before the first note for this to work.

Volta 1.2.5 Minecraft

Printing bar numbers at regular intervals

Bar numbers can be printed at regular intervals by setting the propertybarNumberVisibility. Here the bar numbers are printed every twomeasures except at the end of the line.

Printing bar numbers with changing regular intervals

The bar number interval can be changed by changing the context function{set-bar-number-visibility}.

Printing bar numbers inside boxes or circles

Bar numbers can also be printed inside boxes or circles.

Alternative bar numbering

Two alternative methods for bar numbering can be set, especially forwhen using repeated music.

Volta 1.2.5 para

Aligning bar numbers

Bar numbers by default are right-aligned to their parent object. Thisis usually the left edge of a line or, if numbers are printed within aline, the left hand side of a bar line. The numbers may also bepositioned directly over the bar line or left-aligned to the bar line.

Removing bar numbers from a score

Bar numbers can be removed entirely by removing theBar_number_engraver from the Score context.

See also


Internals Reference:BarNumber,Bar_number_engraver.

Known issues and warnings

Bar numbers may collide with the top of the StaffGroup bracket,if there is one. To solve this, the padding property ofBarNumber can be used to position the number correctly. SeeStaffGroup and BarNumber for more.

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Bar and bar number checks

Bar checks help detect errors in the entered durations. A bar checkmay be entered using the bar symbol, |, at any place where abar line is expected to fall. If bar check lines are encountered atother places, a list of warnings is printed in the log file, showingthe line numbers and lines in which the bar checks failed. In thenext example, the second bar check will signal an error.

An incorrect duration can result in a completely garbled score,especially if the score is polyphonic, so a good place to startcorrecting input is by scanning for failed bar checks andincorrect durations.

If successive bar checks are off by the same musical interval,only the first warning message is displayed. This allows thewarning to focus on the source of the timing error.

Bar checks can also be inserted in lyrics:

Note that bar check marks in lyrics are evaluated at the musicalmoment when the syllable following the check mark is processed.If the lyrics are associated with the notes of a voice which has arest at the beginning of a bar, then no syllable can be located at thestart of that bar and a warning will be issued if a bar check mark isplaced in the lyrics at that position.

It is also possible to redefine the action taken when a bar checkor pipe symbol, |, is encountered in the input, so thatit does something other than a bar check. This is done byassigning a music expression to '|'.In the following example | is set to insert a double barline wherever it appears in the input, rather than checkingfor end of bar.

When copying large pieces of music, it can be helpful to check thatthe LilyPond bar number corresponds to the original that you areentering from. This can be checked with barNumberCheck, forexample,

will print a warning if the currentBarNumber is not 123when it is processed.

See also


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[ < Bar and bar number checks ][ Up : Bars ][ Special rhythmic concerns > ]

Rehearsal marks

To print a rehearsal mark, use the mark command.

The mark is incremented automatically if you use markdefault, but you can also use an integer argument to set themark manually. The value to use is stored in the propertyrehearsalMark.

The letter ‘I’ is skipped in accordance with engravingtraditions. If you wish to include the letter ‘I’, then use oneof the following commands, depending on which style of rehearsal markyou want (letters only, letters in a hollow box, or letters in ahollow circle).

The style is defined by the property markFormatter. It isa function taking the current mark (an integer) and the currentcontext as argument. It should return a markup object. In thefollowing example, markFormatter is set to a pre-definedprocedure. After a few measures, it is set to a procedure thatproduces a boxed number.

The file ‘scm/translation-functions.scm’ contains thedefinitions of format-mark-letters (the default format),format-mark-box-letters, format-mark-numbers andformat-mark-box-numbers. These can be used as inspirationfor other formatting functions.

You may use format-mark-barnumbers,format-mark-box-barnumbers, andformat-mark-circle-barnumbers to get bar numbers instead ofincremented numbers or letters.

Other styles of rehearsal mark can be specified manually:

Note that Score.markFormatter does not affect marks specifiedin this manner. However, it is possible to apply a markup to thestring.

Music glyphs (such as the segno sign) may be printed inside amark

See The Emmentaler font, for a list of symbols which may beprinted with musicglyph.

For common tweaks to the positioning of rehearsal marks, seeFormatting text. For more precise control, seebreak-alignable-interface in Aligning objects.

The file ‘scm/translation-functions.scm’ containsthe definitions of format-mark-numbers andformat-mark-letters. They can be used as inspiration forother formatting functions.

See also

Volta 1.2.5 Pro

Notation Reference:The Emmentaler font,Formatting text,Aligning objects.

Installed Files:‘scm/translation-functions.scm’.


Internals Reference:MarkEvent,Mark_engraver,RehearsalMark.

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This page is for LilyPond-2.19.84 (development-branch).

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About automatic language selection.